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Optimize the Bottom Line with Facility Optimization

A recent HVS Eco Services Facility Optimization analysis identified potential savings of $1,053,726 per year – a 14% reduction in annual energy costs for a portfolio of fifteen full-service hotels located in various regions across the United States.

A powerful facility optimization tool that provides hotel and restaurant facility managers the key performance indicators (KPIs) they need to effectively do their job. This analysis allows facility managers to make effective, well-guided business decisions that will have an easily quantifiable impact on their energy expenditure and carbon footprint. Not only does the analysis allow operators to compare normalized energy consumption across a portfolio of hotels to identify poor performers, it also identifies the root causes of poor performance, provides actionable guidance to rectify those causes, and quantifies potential savings associated with rectifying the causes of poor performance. Without such guidance, your facility managers must employ a trial and error method, which is a highly inefficient method of improving the environmental performance across a portfolio of hotels or restaurants. Since the HVS analysis clearly quantifies the potential savings that one could realize by correcting poor performance factors, operators can clearly prioritize capital expenditures and quickly address the problems that will yield the most significant savings.

Utility billing data is the primary source of energy information one has on their portfolio of hotels. While the data in hotels’ utility bills is the starting point for any environmental performance analysis, these data points don’t account for the variations in each hotel’s unique characteristics such as size, design, climate zone of operation, and varying occupancy levels, nor do they provide any guidance on potential causes of poor performance. While detailed energy audits or interval submetering can help identify savings opportunities, they are costly and time consuming to apply across a portfolio of hotels or restaurants. Furthermore, audits don’t normalize for all the unique characteristics of your hotels, preventing a true “apples to apples” analysis. The HVS Eco Services Facility Optimization tool is a cost-effective way to turn mountains of utility data into a roadmap to realizing significant utility savings. In addition to realizing notable utility savings, this tool is a cost-effective way to earn credits toward LEED and Ecotel certifications, by conducting ongoing measurement and management of utility consumption.

The analysis combines state-of-the-art statistical analyses of utility, weather, and occupancy data, and expert knowledge of hotel energy systems, and the unique operational complexities of hospitality operations. Excerpts from a recent analysis are provided below.

Case Study Excerpts

Post time: Sep-22-2020
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